

Our children live in a world with different challenges and distractions than we faced growing up. Many children are tempted to choose the easy way out and become a follower rather than a leader. Most of all, many may not understand the profound pride that comes with being born American. I hope there are some parents, like me, who can enjoy the messages in this book, and who are searching for stories that help ingrain old school values essential to growing up as an American.

Being a parent of two young children, I was struggling to find stories with traditional values and lessons, that encouraged hard work, and embraced the idea that something earned is far better than something given. I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s in a house with my brother, sister, father (a former 1st Lt. in the United States Marine Corps) and mother (a 5th grade teacher for over 20 years.) We were raised with love for our family, God, and country, and taught respect, personal accountability, and that your reputation and word is everything. And although we do our best to embrace these lessons, we are not perfect and fail from time to time. But we encourage each other to dust ourselves off and be better than we were yesterday.

These books are based on lessons and advice my parents taught us.

These are guided lessons that you may not necessarily get in the modern classroom, and that I am hoping to share with the next generation.